-You must respec anyone in this forum and either in the clan chat. Offencive language, swearing, rassism etc is allowed and will be punished!
-This community is here for people to spend time, if they're bored, talk in chat, when they are doing boring stuff, make events etc so no spamming about how you like people, what they do wrong etc is not allowed in forum or clan chat. This is annoying people. So kick, mute or permanent ban for maximum of seven days will come.
-You may use shortened words in forum. Oh my god is allowed but "omg" is not. You may use them at clan chat, though.
-If you're called to court you must join up. You will get instructions when nessesary.
-When you create a new topic, make sure there haven't been done the same topic before and make sure it is in the right place too.
-Only ENGLISH allowed!
-Watch your spelling! No slang allowed at forums!
-No advertising allowed!
-Be active!
-Starting conflicts, provocating etc is HARDLY punishable! So please don't.
If the rules have changed, you still have to respect them and unknowing to rules won't make you innosent!